Loadpins, Load measuring shafts Series S1

The arrangement of load sensors on hoisting equipment to determine the load is frequently difficult depending on the equipment design. In general, these problems can only be solved by employing complex accessory fixtures.
The successfully field proven KST loadpin S1 offers an alternative solution.
With a S1 loadpin, existing bolts or pins can be replaced in the equipment and then measure the shear forces which are present in the hoisting equipment. In order to do so, the S1 loadpin dimensions will be made 100% application specific.
All load pins are made of high-grade tensile steel. The choice is between alloy steel with anti-corrosion nickel coating or stainless steel.
Since the amplifier is integrated into the pin, measurement deviations due to transmission errors will be suppressed.
A current output 4....20 mA is offered as the standard version. Voltage output or passive mV/V outputs are available as well.
As the new safety regulations
require redundant (doubled) signal outputs, this will also be an available option of the the KST S1 loadpins.
All the Dò's and Don'ts araound use of loapins.